令和元年度 今日の出来事

陰山メソッド 音読指導

2017年9月13日 13時17分 [管理者]

1.後追い読み 教師が大きな声で一行読んだ後,児童が読む。
2.交互読み 隣同士で一行ずつ読みあって,前半と後半で読み手を交換する。
3.リズム読み カスターネットを使い,リズムをたたきながらリズムに合わせて音読する。
4.一斉読み 教師の合図とともに,大きな声で,リズムに気をつけながら音読する。
5,高速読み できるだけ早く読んで,読み終わったら,着席する。
This morning, 3rd grade students learned Voice training by poem.
A veteran teacher did Voice training demonstration the students for new teacher.
Our school's Voice training is arrange doing Toyama pref. Toyama city Gofuku E.school before 10years.
1st Reading after the teacher   Teacher read the poem and after that ,students read    that.
2nd Reading each other student and another student  Each other may read a poem.After that they are change each positions.
3rd Rhythmicall reading. They read a poem with our castanet.
4th Reading with everyone. Everybady read a poem all at once.
5th Reading fast speed. They are fast speed readring a poem.And after that they can sit down.
These steps are one group.  This is for 5minits.
this cautions are voice level,speed,and rhythm.