令和元年度 今日の出来事


2019年3月22日 10時32分 [管理者]


Today we had the Heisei 30th years completion ceremony.
From 1st grade students to 5th grade students were able to participate very good manner.

みんなに進めたい一冊の本推進事業 300冊
I want to read a book propulsion  300 books

平成30年度修了式 はじめの言葉 Start greeting

1年間をふりかえって Look back for one years

修了証授与 Giving certificates

校長先生のお話 The head of teachers speaking

校歌斉唱 Sing the school song

終わりの言葉 Ending greeting

春休みの過ごし方 How to life spring vacation